Grays Court Progress

Day two at Grays Court, a bit  of a drizzly morning then bright sunshine til late on. After being pleased with the amount I got done yesterday, I got bogged down with certain bits on Titania’s face and felt a bit disappointed with the slow progress. I got trapped between doing a high relief carving and a 3d sculpture, and wasn’t satisfied with how parts looked from different angles; in the end I was happy with the fact that the best angle was a view from the hotel, which was really the aim.

allen-stichler-carving-york  carving-allen-stichler   alllen-stichler-york-carving

I had re-drawn the ass head first thing this morning, which is hopefully an improvement on my first attempt. I’ve also gone for a flowery head-dress on Titania, after the original crown or tiara made her look more like an extra from Lord of the Rings. It will also link nicely with the flowers on Bottom (the ass) ‘s head.


I think I need to shrink Titania’s ear a little bit and work on the head-dress tomorrow.

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