Allen Stichler – Wood Carving carving-news Fairy Fun at Sewerby Hall

Fairy Fun at Sewerby Hall

It felt like the time to start this job was never going to arrive ~ what with the pandemic, weather and so on, it was put back a few times; now I’m back it feels as though I’ve never been away. Sewerby Hall almost feels like a second home after the past few years here ~ first with the wildlife trail on the woodland walk, then with the sea-themed seats and sculptures in the bluebell woods. This time I’m working in a small wooded area near the main entrance, and as there have been “Fairy doors” adorning the trees there, we’re continuing the theme with fairies, pixies, elves, gnomes, dragons and other magical beings!

I started off with the smallest log in the area ~ easing myself into the magical realm! I had to bear in mind that it would be set in the ground when it was finished and viewed from behind a fence, so I had to abandon any sense of scale and make sure this pixie could be seen clearly ~ this cheeky fella is peering out of a window.

The next carving was a bit of a challenge, as it was one of a couple of very thin, long logs ~ there was a bit of head-scratching as I wondered how to make the most of the timber. I came up with the idea of having a small pixie climbing up the log, looking a bit nervous as he reached the top.

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