Allen Stichler – Wood Carving carving-news Freedom Flame Stands Proud in New Home

Freedom Flame Stands Proud in New Home

The Freedom Flame is in its new position at the Creative and Cultural Company Artspace in Princes Quay.

“For the first time the Freedom Flame has crossed the North Sea to the UK. A remarkable event in itself. But to make it more remarkable, it was brought by some of the men who originally liberated the Netherlands – men who fought their way through Northern France and Belgium to then take part in Operation Market Garden. Men who to this day have the memories of the carnage, memories of the suffering and starvation of the Dutch people and memories of leaving many of their fallen comrades behind.”

(Taken from

The plinth supporting the lamp was surrounded by 20.000 poppies, part of the installation  “The Last Stand”  by Martin Waters.



 Together with these was Richard Duffy-Howard’s exhibition Fred Lamb’s diary , detailing the Death March from Auschwitz POW camp to liberation in 1945; all the works contributed to a very moving and thought-provoking experience, enhanced further by conversations with the Hull Normandy Veterans.


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