Allen Stichler – Wood Carving carving-news Last Home Education Workshop

Last Home Education Workshop


I think weather forecasts are just sent to confuse us; after waking on Sunday morning to heavy rain, I checked the forecast for Driffield to learn that between 11am and 1pm it would be much the same. Cue packing of gazebos and waterproofs and hasty phonecalls to participants ~ should we rearrange? No, these are a hardy bunch and the thought of a downpour didn’t phase them one iota, so off we went… be greeted by dry grass and bright sunshine all day. It is only when you have a weather-dependent outdoor job that you realise how often these forecasts are utterly wrong; the best method I’ve found is to look out of the window and work it out yourself.

Anyway, the participants again showed great aptitude, concentration and patience and were a pleasure to be around; their sculptures, produced in a short time, were unique and highly individual ~ and things to be proud of!

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Giant dragonfly lands on passing truck!


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