A Busy Three Months….

It’s been so hectic since Christmas that I’ve not even had chance to update this page; full posts will follow once the customers have their sculptures in place (as I like to keep things under wraps til then), but I can at least give a brief description of the pieces:

Two sculptures for Pickering Park, Hull : one in the style of a fishing trawler net, the other commemorating Christopher Pickering and the legacy he left to Hull.

A large wildlife “totem”, a 12ft x 4ft oak sign and oak trunk supports, and several oak marker posts for Alver Country Park in Hampshire.

I have a deadline of the end of April for the Alver Country Park work, and I’m on schedule (fingers crossed!); after that I’m straight on to the “Totem-tastic” workshops, involving eleven Hull schools and communities for the following few months. I’ll give more details nearer the time.

Excuse me while I have a lay down!

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